Home » The importance of Cloud Data Protection for companies
The importance of Cloud Data Protection for companies

The importance of Cloud Data Protection for companies

Cloud Data Protection is one of the most powerful technologies for preserving information security within companies.

Cloud Data Protection requires a robust protection system and the implementation of various tools to defend against malicious attacks. Companies invest in these technologies to avoid the nightmare of data theft or leakage.

Brazil ranked first in the world as the country that suffers the most from Ransomware attacks, a type of cybercrime that hijacks companies’ data and demands a ransom to give back access to the information. The data comes from Statista.com.

As you can see, keeping data safe is essential, not only so that companies can act in compliance with the GDPR and ADPPA, but also to avoid major losses in their business.

Before we go any further, let’s understand why cloud technology is so important for information security.

What is cloud technology

The cloud is an environment designed to store large amounts of data, network services, software applications and business intelligence solutions.

Attempts at cyber-attacks in the cloud are detected more quickly, as antivirus and other defense tools are constantly updated.

Cloud technology solutions cater for the following models:

  • IaaS – infrastructure as a service – Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Engine are some examples.
  • PaaS – platform as a service – Sales Force and Microsoft Azure are companies in this segment.
  • SaaS – software as a service – Google Workspace and SafetyMails are companies that operate in this model.

As we can see, cloud technology serves the largest digital business segments. In this way, the security system has progressed to the gold standard we know today: Cloud Data Protection.

How Cloud Data Protection works

Cloud Data Protection is a set of practices and tools focused on guaranteeing the security of data stored in the cloud. In addition to in-house practices, there are also paid subscription services from companies with certifications such as ISO 27001, dedicated to professionals who meet technical information security standards.

Data stored in the cloud is protected by the following practices:

  • Encryption during transfers and archiving of information.
  • Observation of internal movements in order to identify suspicious activity.
  • User authentication and access control.
  • Frequent backups, among other preventive protection measures.
  • Deletion of data that is not vital to the company’s processes, as this data presents an unnecessary risk of data leakage.

Why it’s important to invest in Cloud Data Protection

First of all, let’s remember companies’ obligations under the GDPR and ADPPA. If there is a breach of any principle described in the law, the organization will be fined up to 2% of its turnover, limited to R$50 million per case.

This reason alone would be enough to invest resources in information security technology, but that’s not all.

If your company has an outdated tool, for example, you run the risk of having your data stolen. Remember the Ransomware cybercrime we talked about at the beginning of the article? That’s just one of the damages that can occur.

And the damage doesn’t just extend to financial matters. Data leaks affect the reputation of companies, which are labeled as untrustworthy by consumers, distributors and business partners.

And once the reputation is lost, the ability to generate leads is also lost, and business goes down the drain.

SafetyMails is a startup that specializes in maintaining the reputation of email marketers with email providers.

Mailing lists with only 3% bounces are classified as spammers. Email verification sanitizes lists and removes invalid emails, giving the sender the credibility needed for messages to be delivered to recipients’ inboxes.

In short, email marketing campaigns with lists verified by SafetyMails achieve maximum ROI.

Open your free account and protect the credibility of your email marketing!


The systems created to commit crimes are advancing as much as the protection technology. It is therefore necessary for professionals and companies to keep abreast of developments in data protection systems.

Cloud Data Protection makes it possible to develop strategies in a secure environment, which is why it is essential for companies that want to keep up to date with the security and privacy of their own information and that of their customers, suppliers and partners.

It’s not enough to comply with the GDPR and ADPPA. You have to look at what the market offers in the way of technological solutions for information security. After all, data is worth gold to criminals and companies alike.


What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of scam (cybercrime) that hijacks the data of large organizations and demands a ransom to give access back. It occurs because of flaws in organizations’ information security systems.

What is cloud technology and what is it for?

Cloud technology offers a large, secure location for storing data, developing applications, network services for exchanging information and business intelligence systems. The cloud model caters for the main digital business segments: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

What is Cloud Data Protection and how does it work?

Cloud Data Protection is a subscription service provided by companies specializing in information security in the cloud environment. Data is protected by various technologies, such as encryption, frequent backups, user authentication and other preventive measures.

What are the losses of a company that has its data stolen?

The damage goes beyond exposure to cybercrimes such as phishing and ransomware. A company whose data is breached has its reputation tarnished with all its stakeholders, and this leads to a drop in business.