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Email remarketing can improve your results

Email remarketing can improve your results

Email remarketing refers to the process of sending targeted emails to individuals who have already had some interaction with your product or service, but who have not progressed through the inbound funnel.

These emails are designed to re-engage these prospects or leads, encouraging them to reconnect with the brand and complete the buyer’s journey.

See in this article how email remarketing works, its advantages and also how you can implement it to improve your results.

What to look out for before sending a remarketing email campaign

If a lead has had contact with your product or service and hasn’t decided to buy, you need to know why. The same goes for a prospect who didn’t become a lead.

And one of the ways to use remarketing email is precisely to establish a dialogue with the public, with the aim of understanding the behavior that led them to give up.

With this information, it is possible to create communication that is more compatible with the consumer’s needs. And this knowledge is also useful for professionals to know if they are managing to reach the right audience.

In order to find out why consumers have stopped interacting with your brand, email remarketing can be used for a quick survey. With multiple choice answers, you can put together a brief questionnaire.

There are professionals who prefer to use this type of email to offer some special advantage (a promotion, etc.), in order to encourage the public to move further along the funnel.

But it’s recommended that you get to know consumer behavior well before sending promotions. After all, the main objective is to create a lasting relationship with them.

Don’t forget to sanitize your mailing lists

Before sending out your remarketing email campaign, you need to sanitize your mailing list by checking your emails.

This is because there’s no point in planning to win back leads if the emails don’t reach the inbox.

And this is what happens with unverified lists, as they are susceptible to invalid emails and bounces, which are blocked by the recipients’ providers.

And these blocks, in turn, hit the senders hard, as their domains and IPs can be classified as spammers.

In other words, an email remarketing campaign without the support of an email verification service will not achieve the expected results.

How to apply email remarketing

A well-executed remarketing email campaign can increase conversion rates and sales, since the messages are directed at people who have already shown an interest in your product or service at some point.

The big secret is to tailor the communication to the needs of an audience that hasn’t engaged before. And how do you do that? Applying the drip strategy is a good option.


Segmentation is the key to successful email remarketing. Start by dividing your audience into different segments based on their previous interactions.

For example, you could target users who have abandoned shopping carts, those who have visited specific pages or who haven’t opened your recent emails.

The content of your email should be attractive and relevant. Include a clear call to action (CTA) and encourage users to return to interact with your brand.

Encourage conversion, based on the behavior of the user who gave up interacting. This action should be taken after completing the survey, as we suggested earlier.

If your lead’s behavior indicates the need for discounts or promotions, apply them!

Use responsive design to ensure that your emails are viewed well on mobile devices.

Automating your remarketing email campaigns is essential and saves time. Make sure your prospects receive the right messages at the right time.

Use marketing automation platforms to set up workflows based on triggers, such as viewing a product page or abandoning a shopping cart.

To optimize your remarketing email campaigns, run A/B tests. Try out different subject lines, CTAs, images and offers to see what resonates best with your audience.

Use the data from the tests to continually adjust and improve your campaigns.

Some examples of email remarketing applications

Abandoned cart recovery

An e-commerce store can recover abandoned carts through a series of three remarketing emails sent at 24-hour intervals.

The first email reminds the customer of the items left behind, the second offers a 10% discount, and the third alerts them to the expiry of the discount.

In this way, the drip strategy aids the application of email remarketing.

Re-engagement of inactive users

A streaming platform can use email remarketing to re-engage users who have stopped using the service.

By offering exclusive taster content and a special discount for reactivation, the company can resume contact with inactive users, increasing customer retention.


Email remarketing is an effective strategy for bringing consumers back to your brand.

Implementing this strategy will not only increase your conversion and sales rates, but will also strengthen the customer lifecycle within the inbound funnel.


How can email remarketing be used?

Email remarketing is a strategy for approaching prospects who have had some contact with the brand but have not continued on the buyer’s journey. It can be used to bring back former customers who no longer engage with the brand, as well as recovering abandoned carts.

What should be taken into consideration before applying email remarketing?

It’s very important for professionals to know why the prospect didn’t enter the inbound funnel, as well as what led customers to disengage.

In this way, it is possible to create an assertive remarketing email campaign that is capable of turning prospects into leads and recovering customers who have lost contact with the brand.

Email verification is also of paramount importance for the effectiveness of a remarketing campaign, since lists free of invalid emails and bounces have high deliverability rates.