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Email temp hero and villain at the same time!

Email temp: hero and villain at the same time!

Email temp can help you get rid of a lot of headaches, but it can also make your life hell, depending on your goals with it.

There are those who defend all the practical attributes that email temp represents, its various functionalities and efficiency.

And there are also those who shudder at the thought of hearing about it, since this “theoretically useful” tool can represent major financial losses.

In the world of email marketing, no element is as ambiguous as email temp.

That’s why both sides of it – hero and villain – have their reasons for existing.

Let’s see what they are!

When email temp is the hero


  • You need to share super-confidential information with a group of people you trust: create a temporary email to communicate what you need and send it to the recipients.

As soon as the email’s lifespan expires, the message will self-destruct. What hacker could break into an email that no longer exists?

  • Are you suspicious about the suitability of a website but interested in signing up for its services?

Create a temporary email and log in with peace of mind. You won’t run the risk of receiving any viruses, malware or similar in your email.

  • You want to test drive a trendy application that you’re not sure will meet your expectations. Use your temporary email address to register, ask all your questions and, if the app is really good, register your real email address.


  • Try online games without worrying about pounds of spam in your inbox. Until it self-destructs, your email temp will take on the role of receiving all the advertisements common to this type of entertainment.
  • Store at your favorite stores and don’t be held hostage by unwanted emails offering complementary products, information on new releases, etc.
  • Download materials of interest to you such as ebooks, spreadsheets, presentations and others without being linked to the source, so that you don’t receive unwanted communications later.

Email temp aliases

The purpose of temporary emails is to maintain the anonymity of the recipient, and email aliases work very well in this respect.

Aliases are secondary addresses that forward messages to the real email address. You can use them as temporary emails and delete them at any time.

There are online services that offer alias creation, such as Apple’s Hide My Email, FireFox’s Relay, SimpleLogin and others.

When email temp is the villain

If you work with email marketing or use it as a way of communicating with customers, email temp is a tough enemy to beat.

This is because a temporary email soon becomes a bounce, and those who send mass email marketing cannot exceed 3% bounces in their lists, regardless of whether it contains a thousand or 10 thousand contacts.

Otherwise, the sender’s IP or domain will be blocked by the provider’s anti-spam filter and your campaigns won’t reach the recipient.

And if there is a recurrence of blockages at ISPs, the sender’s domain and IP will end up on international blacklists, which receive frequent queries from anti-spam filters.

The quality of mailing lists is essential if a campaign is to bring good results. That’s why all harmful contacts should be off it.

Is your contact base in good shape?

Unverified lists end up on blacklists and this is a vicious circle. First, the email is blocked by the provider. As the blocks recur, the domain ends up on a blacklist. The provider will consult the blacklist, which will classify that same domain as a spammer.

Corporate emails are also temporary, due to turnover.

The contact who used to receive emails from one sector today may not be the same tomorrow, and so on. Whether for benign reasons (career promotions) or because of redundancies, corporate emails fall into disuse very easily.

How to avoid the damage caused by temporary email

Email verification removes all temporary emails from lists, making them healthy and qualified for sales and marketing teams.

But that’s not all. With validation, deliverability rates increase and, as a result, click-through rates and conversions perform better.

Finally, the ROI of campaigns gains strength through a list of valid emails, capable of turning into real business opportunities.


As a hero, temp email is very practical for the consumer, as it protects against spam, viruses and malware, as well as maintaining anonymity, which is so important in some web transactions.

For email marketers, however, the email temp is a villain, since its influence is very negative for mailing lists that damage the reputation of senders. The only way to protect yourself from this type of harmful email is to check your emails frequently.

For you, is email temp a hero or a villain?


What are the main uses of email temp?

This is a very practical tool for consumers, as it maintains their privacy and anonymity. So, if you don’t want to receive spam in your inbox, you can make an email temp and navigate safely by sending files, registering for websites and applications, among a host of other facilities without having to maintain a link with the source.

What are email aliases and why can they be used as temporary emails?

Email aliases are like nicknames. They are created to receive messages and send them to the main email address, without having to reveal it. They are also used as temporary emails that can be turned off at any time.

Why can temporary email be a villain?

Email marketers need to work with bounce-free lists. Temporary emails quickly become bounces, and bases containing only 3% invalid emails are blocked by ISPs’ anti-spam filters. In other words, email temp does a lot of damage to bulk email senders.

How do you get rid of temporary email?

Email verification not only removes all invalid contacts from lists, but also increases the deliverability of messages. This is why this service is essential for professionals who use email as a communication channel.